Will you be at EMO'23 this year? Kitagawa
Kitagawa India

Will you be at EMO'23 this year?


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NEW Technology on display

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With the new series of Kitagawa Robot grippers demonstrating pick and place. Display also showing Swift Klamp, the superior 5 Axis workholder and the MK200 series rotary table.

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Robot Gripper

Robot gripper with built in measuring scale! Measure up to four diameters and ensure your workpiece is within tolerance at all time - live demonstrations available! 

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Quick Change BR/BT

BR and BRT, the next generation standard chucks have been given a very special quick-change upgrade! Come and see this in action for yourself

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The complete MK series is on display and operational

Enhanced Performance
Improved Mounting
Wide Selection of Rotary Joints

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Big and Bold! New RKT500

This impressive table allows you to machine a work piece of up to 500mm diameter!
Best suited to aluminium workpieces and will fit on small machining centres with No.30 taper spindle

So many more exiting products on display!

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